
Virginia Palmer, Ph.D., Astrologer, Conscious Dreamer, Transformer,   is founder of Resources Unlimited Human Development Foundation.  She empowers you via Evolutionary Astrology readings, Conscious Lucid Dreaming classes and Transformation processes for the Great Adventure of  Living Your Life and Your Dreams!   Virginia’s audio/video classes, Dreamshops, Zoominars, and private consultations increase your success in following areas: personal fulfillment, loving relationships, glowing vitality, joyful creativity and financial sustainability.  See her new YouTube channel:  VirginiaPalmer@DreamPowerAstrology  

Dream Power  is a series of on-going presentations to learn techniques, processes so you can direct your day/night Dreams to create a happy, healthy, abundant and love-filled life. You also learn how to access your  Dream Team, the Lemurian Dreamers,  to receive deeper insights and interpretations of your Night Dreams.  As you become more proficient as a Conscious Lucid Dreamer, you anchor your night dreams in your daily life through conscious “day time” reality creation process: “DreamMapping, Seven Steps to Greater Success.”  The “Sweet Dream Series”  are seven different short meditations to program your Night Dreams. Dreams are the language of your Soul.

Evolutionary Astrology  – Your birth chart maps out your Soul’s Journey through this lifetime.    Virginia translates the complex energies of your chart into opportunities to heal negative patterns, to manifest your desired success and to move you towards Enlightenment, Oneness with you Soul.  She examines your chart’s transits (movement of the planets as they affect your chart) so you can consciously work with the energies of challenges, expansions and fulfillments.   Your Natal chart with certain planet placement, specific Houses along with on-going transits and the Nodes of the Moon determine best time, energies to ask for a Healing Dream, Creating Dream, Soul Message Dream and more!   See pricing

Transformation Consultations – Virginia recognizes the uniqueness of each individual.   She can draw from her many diverse modalities to customize your transition/transformation pathway.  Through a variety of techniques, Virginia will assist you to expand your current/future vision and transform your old patterns into new dynamic opportunities for greater success.  The following programs are samples of transformation consulting areas: Transforming Success with Love | Expanding Happiness & Joy | Becoming Your Truer Self | Increasing Longevity & Vitality | Expanding Love & Abundance | Aligning with Your Soul’s Purpose | Increasing Your Gratitude | Living Your Dreams

Dream a Dream for You – As a Lemurian Dreamer, Virginia has the ability to dream a Dreams for You – Healing, Creating, Destiny, Soul Dreams.  She reads your astrology chart for optimal time to dream; dreams for you; channels the Lemurian Dreamers to interpret your Dream, provides processes to manifest your Dream into your daily life.  It’s Time to Live Your Dreams!  See her YouTube channel: VirginiaPalmer@DreamPowerAstrology

Resources Unlimited Human Development Foundation, 501c(3), founded by Virginia Palmer

Mission:  Resources Unlimited Human Development Foundation is dedicated to developing/implementing innovative environmental educational programs, community action and transformational courses for students, teachers, special groups and  non-profit  organizations.  These classes, courses and events offer information, practical tools and creative activities that promote personal/ group empowerment, environmental advocacy and joyful  fulfillment in daily life. 

“Whatever you dream you can do, begin it.  Boldness has genius, magic and power in it”
-von Goethe

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