
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”   – Einstein

Virginia Palmer, Ph.D., Evolutionary Astrologer, Conscious Dreamer, Transformer, is founder of Resources Unlimited Human Development Foundation.  She has a BA in Journalism and Political Science;  MA in Counseling and Guidance; Ph.D. in Human Development.  Virginia laid a foundation of perseverance, commitment and achievement as a teenage tennis champion, adult tennis pro.  At the same time she began reading “self-help” books in her pursuit of Valued Self, Higher Truth, Spiritual Guidance and Service to Others.   She has spent her personal and professional life in all of these endeavors.  Virginia was a Counselor/Instructor at Austin Community College; Executive Director of People for Parks, (Los Angels); Leadership Trainer for LA County Parks; Tennis Professional, Seminar Leader; Therapist; Transformation Consultant.  Virginia is certified in the following:  Vitality Meditation, Neuro-Linguisitc Programming, Western Astrology, Reiki, Ennegram Personality Types, Inner Child Dynamics and Conscious Lucid Dreaming and Lemurian Dreamer.

DrV has developed the following programs:  The Dream Power Series, Dream Mapping, The Magic of Night Dreams, Lucid Dreaming, 24/7, Dream N Art; Dream Your Life; The Global Dream Community and The Lucid Dreaming Certification School.  Virginia is committed to assisting/inspiring YOU in transforming any/all blockages to becoming/being Your Personal Greatness and Living Your Dreams.

Virginia is author of StressWorks; Leadership and Group Dynamics; Personal Management Pattern; Faces of Power, A Guide to Personal Empowerment; Vitality Meditation;  Power of Maiden, Mother, Mentor; Seven Faces of Soul; Dream Mapping, Avenues to Greater Success; Lucid Dreaming24/7;  Dream Power- Its Time to Live Your Dreams. She lives in Austin, TX.

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