
“The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible”
– Arthur C. Clark

Evolutionary Astrology

Astrology is the language of your Soul, your natal chart is your Soul’s blueprint for evolving this lifetime.   Virginia translates the complex energy aspects of your astrology chart into opportunities to transform past patterns and to manifest your desired success. She helps you build a strong foundation to live your Dreams in the following areas:

  • Transforming and Expanding Personal Power
  • Creating and Sustaining Loving Relationships
  • Increasing Success and Prosperity 
  • Increasing Your Health, Longevity and Vitality
  • Connecting to Your Higher Consciousness 

Transformation Astrology – $150 initial reading, $75 transits updates
Look for $99. specials!

Venus Star Point

Venus has a cyclical movement around the Sun that forms the 5 petals rose image that shows the beautiful pattern Venus makes around the Sun – The Venus Star Point.  Due to this movement pattern, the Sun-Venus conjunctions happen in the same signs of the zodiac for 100 years in a row.
A New Venus Star Point:  On October 22nd, 2022, the Sun was conjunct Venus at 29° Libra which is ruled by Venus! Venus expands Beauty, Balance, Harmony, Peace, Equality in Relationships and Love.  The New Venus Star Point in Libra for the next 100 years is good news for all of us!  The Libra Venus Star Point (VSP) moves us to live in a Heart-Centered Reality.

Love Astrology: Virginia (Venus) will:
• find the VSP in your chart;
• discover its five points;
• detail how the star points influence your life;
• understand more fully your significant relationships
• identify more of your talents;
• Inspire fulfillment of your life’s purpose
• reveal more of your “love destiny”

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